May 30, 2009
以合身窄管牛仔褲配上俏皮骷髏頭標誌席捲全世界的Cheap Monday,2009年以超限量純手工特製牛仔褲,特別展開世界巡迴派對,從瑞典斯德哥爾摩、丹麥哥本根、德國柏林、英國倫敦到美國紐約,廣大的粉絲齊聚一堂,感受服裝、藝術與音樂交集聯集的區塊,藉著視覺和聽覺的衝擊,屬於Cheap Monday新興生活態度應運而生。這次15條獨一無二的超限量純手工特製牛仔褲即將飄洋過海,並在下午的巡迴展覽中獨家首賣。這次Secret Service將與DEEPLAY攜手,秉持著WE MAKE CULTURE NOT PARTY的精神,將Cheap Monday的無線驚喜和創意導入派對,眾所期待的世界巡迴派對即將登陸,台北你準備好了嗎!
展覽地點 Add:{SECRET SERVICE} 台北市敦化南路1段161巷16號1F
展覽日期 Date:2009.06.05
展覽時間 Time:6:00 pm
活動票價 Price:NT 600 (With 2 Drink)
活動地址 Address:台北市忠孝東路四段201號5F(同領廣場)
訂位專線 RSVP:0922 263 722
More Info -
SPARK & M@M Boutique
DJ雜誌譽為「英國版2 Many DJs」、法國Electro大廠Kitsune旗下超強DJ製作雙人組
2009.6.5(FRI.) @ SPARK
with special guest DJ
DJ Mykal a.k.a.林哲儀
The Prodigy台北演唱會唯一指定暖場/潮流設計單位BRAiNCHiLD主腦
Admission: NT700 with 2 drinks
*18 YEARS OLD AND OVER ONLY 18歲以下禁止進入 請攜帶身分證
STREETLIFE DJS (Kitsune/Street Beats)
▓毫無疑問,由Louis Gaston與Stewart Rowell於2006年正式組成的Streetlife DJs,肯定是近幾年來當紅Indie-Electro/Nu-Electro風潮中最炙手可熱的DJ/製作組合之一。不僅在自家廠牌Street Beats發表的贏得高評價的EP作品Keep It Street,更重要的是他們在指標法國廠牌Kitsune連續出版了兩首紅透半邊天的舞池國歌Gun Crime與We Love The Disco Sound,甚至他們也獲邀為Michael Jackson, Queens Of The Stone Age, Shinichi Osawa(大澤伸一)、Busy P、CSS、Mighty Dub Katz、Cagedbaby、Heartsrevolution...等炮製相當出色的Remix。
▓事實上,早在2006年時獲IDJ雜誌透過「Ones To Watch」單元大力推薦將之視為最値得留意新名字的Streetlife DJs,在音樂製作之外的DJ功力也絕對不容小覷(畢竟兩人都擁有超過二十年的DJ資歷),有傳媒形容為「Soulwax+Coldcut+Sasha+John Digweed」般的驚異合體般,正因為他們DJ Set能夠折衷地跨越年代與音樂風格,好比Afrika Bambaataa、Grandmaster Flash、Public Enemy、NWA、David Bowie、Prince、Sex Pistols、The Clash、Nirvana、Led Zeppelin、New Order/Joy Division、Beck、The Prodigy…等經典到Soulwax、The Presets、Simian Mobile Disco、Digitalism、ustice、Sebastian、Klaxons、The Gossip、Boys Noize、MSTRKRFT…等近幾年來兩人喜愛的新名字,都可能出現在他們的DJ Set中,從而被DJ雜誌喻為「英國版2 Many DJs」。
Myspace: www.myspace.com/sldjs
DJ MYKAL a.k.a.林哲儀
▓台灣資深樂評、四屆金曲獎評審、兩屆DMC DJ大賽台灣區評審、潮流設計單位BRAiNCHiLD主腦、前Partyroom週末駐場DJ與音樂統籌、潮流唱片行M@M Boutique主理人。
▓The Prodigy台北演唱會唯一指定暖場DJ,張震嶽全美巡迴御用DJ,並曾與Paul Oakenfold、DJ Shadow、DJ Krush、James Lavelle(UNKLE)、Andy C、DJ Hype、DJ Craze、Fantastic Plastic Machine…等同台演出,2007年底更獲田中知之(Fantastic Plastic Machine)力邀赴日擔任在東京指標夜店Yellow舉辦之Grand Tourisme七週年派對的Guest DJ,而2009春天則受邀至沖繩參加亞洲音樂祭Asian Beat演出。
▓曾為Christian Dior、Marc Jacobs、Adidas Originals、Puma等知名時尚品牌Fashion Show擔任DJ,2006年兩次連同張震嶽、MC Hotdog兩度赴香港與時裝集團I.T.旗下品牌Fingercroxx合作舉辦爆滿的演出,2007年受邀擔任香港潮流品牌Protest於台灣、馬來西亞(Zouk)、香港(CIXI)三地所舉辦之四週年派對的指定DJ,2008年赴上海擔任李燦琛自家品牌Subcrew直營店Unity開幕 Party的Guest DJ。
▓2007年5月於台灣環球音樂旗下發表首張官方DJ-Mix專輯「Original Brainchild」獲FPM、Dieselboy等國際DJ背書力薦。
官網: www.djmykal.com Blog: mamboutique.blogspot.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/djmykaltaipei
Facebook專屬頁面: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Mykal-aka/30224444050
地址:台北市市府路45號台北101地下一樓 訂位專線(02) 81018662
官方網站: http://www.spark101.com.tw
Facebook專屬頁面: www.facebook.com/pages/Taipei-Taiwan/SPARK-101/28143884966
The Faux Noise x Kreeps
May 28, 2009
中午睡醒一上線就收到瑞典樂隊The Faux Noise的成員ㄧDaniel的訊息,Daniel他迫不急待將紐約DJ/Producer Kreeps替他們單曲Oh Father炮製的混音丟給我聽,Daniel形容此混音有如"Jesus Mary Chain / Joy Division / My Bloody Valentinish Bass,Stone hard autoKratz Feeling",而自己也確實相當喜愛Kreeps帶來又髒又重的Bassline在這混音版本裡,另外Daniel也小小提到了Lowbrows,但不清楚細節,看起來相當神祕。
The Faux Noise - Oh Father (Kreeps Hypnotized By Dirty Bass Mix)
The Faux Noise MySpace | Facebook
Kreeps MySpace | Facebook
Tags: AutoKratz , Jesus Mary Chain , Joy Division , Kreeps , MP3 , Remix , The Faux Noise , The Lowbrows
Video / Fredo Viola - Wood Smoke
May 27, 2009
Video / School of Seven Bells - My Cabal
布魯克林Trio樂隊School of Seven Bells取自去年底發行的首專輯Alpinisms內的第三張單曲My Cabal,配合單曲發行所新拍攝的Video也相當有意思。
School of Seven Bells - Face To Face In High Places (Jesu Remix)
School of Seven Bells - Face To Face In High Places (Jesu Remix - Instrumental Version)
School of Seven Bells - My Cabal (Robin Guthrie Mix)
School of Seven Bells - Chain (Seefeel Extraction)
School of Seven Bells MySpace | Facebook
Tags: David Mullet , MP3 , Remix , School of Seven Bells , Video
Video / Pony Pony Run Run - Hey You
Video / Silhouette - Masquerade
May 26, 2009
Silhouette MySpace
5/02 SHITDISCO (UK) x Wayne 909 x Go Chic x Spykee Fat @THE WALL!
SHITDISCO DJ Set (UK, Fierce Panda / Dim Mak)
Wayne 909 (DJ Set) [Deeplay]
Go Chic (Live)
Spykee Fat (DJ Set) [Dance Rock Taipei]
Venue: 這牆音樂藝文展演空間 TheWALL Live House
SHITDISCO(UK,Fierce Panda / Dim Mak)
Shitdisco這個名字在很多人耳中相信都是很熟的了,大家一定都是對他們單曲“OK“的music video裡的紙片人印象深刻。英國Glasgow四人組合,2004年組成,吉他兼主唱、bass、鼓、keyboard簡單的配器,製造出的音樂讓人 忍不住繃繃跳跳,引領了時下爆紅的dance-punk/ new rave 的band sound。2007年四月在倫敦獨立廠牌Fierce Panda Records下發行了第一張專輯Kingdom of Fear ,在發行第一週就登上了英國獨立音樂榜#4,也被許多雜誌評選為年度重要專輯,馬上成為一線樂隊,在各大festival的演出都是headline。然 後2008年二月也被簽入DIM MAK旗下。
表演巡迴很多shitdisco他們的gig結束最重要的就是after party,看他們的朋友以及那麼愛找人做remix就知道。後來的表演就乾脆都直接黏著一長串DJ LIST,常常一起表演的藝人說有多大咖就有多大咖,Steve Aoki、MSTRKRFT、Klaxons、Punks Jump Up......可以融合樂團live與DJ的gig真是太好玩了,讓大家看完表演留下來繼續趴體玩樂這樣。替他們做remix的藝人也很多都是大有來 頭,由The Bloody Beetroots Remix -- 72 Virgins是個趴場紅歌,還有還有由Goose remix的I Know Kung Fu 還有Yuksek的"OK" remix等等等等,都更奠定了他們在跳舞音樂趴體圈的地位。
Wayne 909 (Deeplay)
時裝電子音樂推廣團體DEEPLAY幕後推手,主理DEEPLAY所有系列的主題派對,擅長Electro /House / Breaks等多樣化的曲風,秉持著WE MAKE CULTURE NOT PARTY的精神,將極限運動、時裝設計、行動藝術、獨立電影等豐富元素導入派對。08年更首次將DJ台化身成為showroom,全新的創意概念,開創台灣派對歷史新頁!
Go Chic
據說是台灣獨立樂團圈中在派對照裡曝光最密集的女子團體,這幾個女人為什麼都這麼愛在別人的趴體裡搶鏡呢?我也不知道,可能是因為婊吧!!曾經還被某趴體客甲抓到,然後被衷心規勸說:妳們不要再一直趴體了,趕快寫一些新歌好嗎?但是!!沒有趴體就沒有放浪行骸女子樂隊了,這一次go chic又要來了!!為大家帶來LIVE的Electro-Punk勢力!!大家趕快拿出最好跳的鞋子,跟著go chic蹦蹦跳跳一下吧!!!
融合電子舞曲的強勁與藍調搖滾的激情,性感的旋律聲線搭配熱力動感的現場氣氛go chic的現場看過的人都知道,管你是暴女、少女還是敗金女,知青、文青還是科技新貴她們就是要讓你跳跳跳叫叫叫 arrrrrrrrrrh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Caution!! they're electro-hyphy-chiks hybridized punk-blues-rock psycho-fatherfuckeeeeeers, jump yr feeeets uppppp!!! or they gonna ATTACK u!)
Spykee Fat (Dance Rock Taipei)
長期蟄伏於Partyroom駐場與多次台北Indie Party,身為台北注目中生代DJ之一的Spykee在2008年與F Dragon組成TOMODACHI後,憑藉多樣拼貼與貫串Electro / Techno / Fidget-House音樂型態,以及瘋狂玩弄CDJ-1000之顛覆本土DJ手法與風格,甫登場立即造成雙人組旋風。七月於野台開唱以「唯一DJ單位」身分受邀演出,並被Taipei Times譽為「最具國際水平台灣DJ之一」。十月Spykee再化身派對單位Dance Rock Taipei,首發力邀Indie-Electro巨星Steve Aoki與Uffie來台演出,以驚人氣勢與派對效果再度寫下台北地下音樂派對里程碑。 2009年TOMODACHI活動正式宣告終止,新生的Spykee Fat將以Electro-Techno / Filthy-House演繹全新Indie-Dance型態DJ set,再次啟動本土另類電舞革命。
日期:5/29 (FRI.)
時間:Start From 11:30pm
票價: Adv. 600 Door. 800
Buy Your Advanced Tickets Here
M@M Boutique
台北市忠孝東路四段112號四樓之3 (欣葉餐廳樓上)
4F-3, No.112, sec. 4, Chung-Xiao E. Rd
AMPM (Pet Shops Girl)
Room C, No.5, Alley 26, Lane 205, sec.4, Chung-Xiao E. Rd
B1-1, No.109, Kwen-Ming St., Xi-Men Ting
Mo! Relax
No.20, Lane 60, Tai-Hsuan St.
NEU Store
No.17, Lane 177, sec. 1, Tun-Hua S. Rd.
台北市昆明街96巷20號2F (電影街前麥當勞巷口進入)
2F, No. 20, Lane 96, Kwen-Ming St.
台北市師大路 45 號 B1
B1, No.45, Shi-Ta Rd.
B1, No.200, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.
For more info check out:
Tags: Bounce Girlz , Dance Rock Taipei , Event , Go Chic , Shitdisco , Spykee Fat , Wayne 909
Video / The Presets - Kicking And Screaming
May 25, 2009
The Presets MySpace
Video / Make The Girl Dance - Baby Baby Baby (The Bass Knights remix)
May 24, 2009
因為養眼所以你可以再看一遍Or More,事實上Make The Girl Dance的Baby Baby Baby這Video版本是配上由The Bass Knights的混音外,影像也另作Mix處理。
The Bass Knights MySpace
Crystal Fighters x Maybb x Magistrates x Renaissance Man x Micromattic
終於找來了西班牙且又以Crystal為開頭的五人樂隊Crystal Fighters從Kitsuné Maison 7合輯中取出單獨發行12" Xtatic Truth內收錄的三首混音版本Maybb、Magistrates、Renaissance Man以及只有收在Digital E.P.內的其一Techno/IDM單位Micromattic的混音版可聽,沒找到的Digital E.P.內三個單位為L-VIS 1990、Radioproof、Last Japan。
Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth (Maybb Remix)
Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth (Magistrates Remix)
Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth (Renaissance Man Remix)
Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth (Micromattic Remix)
Crystal Fighters MySpace | Facebook
Tags: Crystal Fighters , Kitsuné , L-VIS 1990 , Last Japan , Magistrates , Maybb , Micromattic , MP3 , Radioproof , Remix , Renaissance Man
Zombie Nation x Tiga
May 23, 2009
冒著可能很快就會收到PIAS緊告移除的危機,也要將Zombie Nation混音What You Need這首一直在Tiga的近兩個月單曲十大榜首且讓人引頸期盼已久的完整9分鐘版給偷偷的拿上來分享一下。
Tiga - What You Need (Zombie Nation Remix)
Tiga - What You Need (Extended version)
Zombie Nation MySpace | Facebook
Featurecast x Calvin Harris
先申明自己並沒有很喜愛鼓戰貝斯,但是Calvin Harris的I'm Not Alone有了來自英國南安普敦 DJ/Producer Featurecast的這款混音還是要報一下。
Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone (Featurecast Remix)
Featurecast MySpace | Facebook
Video / Crystal Stilts - Love Is A Wave
Crystal Stilts MySpace
Video / Röyksopp - The Girl And The Robot
May 22, 2009
Röyksopp MySpace
Video / Bombay Bicycle Club - Dust on the Ground
Bombay Bicycle Club MySpace
Phoneix x A Fight For Love & 25hrs A Day
才剛剛奉上Holy Ghost!混音Phoenix的Lisztomania後,再接力一首由Adam Kesher其中兩位成員Gaëtan Didelot和Julien Perez所組的新單位A Fight for Love加上25hrs A Day一起進行的另一支Lisztomania混音版本,這版本應該是會跟Alex Metric以及Yuksek的混音收錄在一起發行。
Phoneix - Lisztomania (A Fight for Love / 25hrs A Day Remix)
Tags: 25hrs A Day , A Fight For Love , Adam Kesher , Alex Metric , Holy Ghost , MP3 , Phoneix , Remix , Yuksek
Phoenix x Holy Ghost!
May 21, 2009
因為Kitsuné Maison Compilation 7中收錄了Lisztomania交由LA duo組合CLASSIXX混音這首Phoenix的單曲,所以在Kitsuné隨後單獨取出做發行的Lisztomania Remixes 12"中除了本來的CLASSIXX外還有Holy Ghost!和Der Die Das這兩個單位所進行的混音版本。
Phoenix - Lisztomania (Holy Ghost! Loves Paris Remixomania)
Tks for LA Friendly First Post。
Tags: Classixx , Der Die Das , Holy Ghost , Kitsuné , MP3 , Phoenix , Remix
Animal Collective x Dâm-Funk
May 20, 2009
Animal Collective將會在7/7發行他們取自於Merriweather Post Pavilion這專輯內的第二張單曲Summertime Clothes,雖然自己還是沒有很喜歡Animal Collective,但是在Summertime Clothes這張單曲裡所找來如LA Boogie Funk代表Dâm-Funk、南倫敦的Breakbeat & Dubstep製作人Leon Day AKA L.D以及DJ Kode9主導廠牌Hyperdub旗下要員的Zomby等這三個混音單位都還蠻厲害的,另外在這些陣容中可再次確認到Dubstep的勢力決不容忽視。
Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes (Dâm-Funk Remix)
Animal Collective MySpace
Tags: Animal Collective , Dâm-Funk , DJ Kode9 , Hyperdub , Leon Day AKA L.D , MP3 , Remix , Zomby
Video / Golden Silvers - Arrows of Eros
Golden Silvers MySpace
Video / Magistrates - Heartbreak
May 19, 2009
來自英國Essex的四人組合Magistrates是西班牙樂隊Crystal Fighters剛於Kitsuné發行的12" Xtatic Truth收錄的三首混音版本中的其一混音單位,雖然還沒能找到Magistrates替Crystal Fighters所作的混音版本來聽,但可先看看Magistrates即將在XL Recordings發表的新單曲Heartbreak的Video。
Directed by James Copeman
Magistrates MySpace
Tags: Crystal Fighters , James Copeman , Kitsuné , Magistrates , Video , XL Recordings
Video / God Help the Girl - Come Monday Night
"Come Monday Night" is the first music video from God Help The Girl, a story set to music by Stuart Murdoch of Belle and Sebastian.
Directed by Blair Young and Stuart Murdoch
God Help The Girl MySpace
Tags: Belle and Sebastian , God Help the Girl , Stuart Murdoch , Video
Video / The Lodger - I Think I Need You
Directed by Ash Pears and Richy Lloyd
The Lodger MySpace
Elefant Records
Phoenix x Yuksek
Phoenix的Lisztomania絕對是這一個星期裡最愛的歌曲,尤其是CLASSIXX的版本更是讓我愛不釋手的一直播放,當然Alex Metric的也很好,現在又有Yuksek的加入,我想這首Lisztomania之後應該會有更多的版本出現。
Phoenix - Lisztomania (Yuksek Remix)
Phoenix MySpace | Facebook
The Lucky One
May 18, 2009
聽完了Kitsuné Maison Compilation 7,確定的是如果會去買接下來從中抽取出個別發行的12",那大概會是以下這幾個名字如Phoenix、Crystal Fighters、The Golden Filter、Delphic.、Tanlines。
然後放上幾首收錄在Kitsuné Maison Compilation 7的歌,沒放上的其實之前都應該有PO不難找。
We Have Band - Time After Time (Feat Yulia)
Crystal Fighters - Xtatic Truth (Xtra loud Mix)
Beni - Fringe Element (Shorts Like Me Edit)
Chateau Marmont - Beagle
HeartsRevolution - 薔薇と彼女の王子
Delphic. - Counterpoint (Delphic's En Route Mix)
Maybb - Touring In Ny (Short Tour Edit)
Renaissance Man - Rythym
Tags: BENI , Chateau Marmont , Crystal Fighters , Delphic. , HeartsRevolution , Kitsuné , Maybb , MP3 , Phoenix , Remix , Renaissance Man , TANLINES , The Golden Filter , We Have Band
Live / Vivian Girls - So Bored (Wavves Cover)
May 16, 2009
Vivian Girls MySpace
Video / Freemasons feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Heartbreak (Make Me A Dancer)
Video / Florence & The Machine - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
May 15, 2009
Florence & The Machine MySpace
Video / Classixx feat. Jeppe - I'll get You, Kitsuné x The Cobrasnake EP
Mishka Presents: Passions - Music Without Tears
About The Mix:
From Passions: I'd been planning on making a goth/post-punk/industrial mix for at least a year now, as more and more it's what I found myself listening to as well as making, but it never quite panned out. My friend Sandra Chi took me to see Ipso Facto play at Cakeshop (she had illustrated a t-shirt for them), and I was quickly introduced to the musical world of Disc Error Recordings. Here was exactly the kind of new music I was longing to hear, and right around the same time Mikhail asked me to do a goth mix for Mishka; suddenly everything seemed to fall into place and so did this mix. Ciaran O'Shea (founder of Disc Error and long term artistic collaborator with The Horrors) and Sandra gratefully did artwork that perfectly complimented what I wanted to express. Hopefully even those who have no interest in "goth" or "dark" music will hear why I am so proud of this mix, and so excited by this music.
The mix also features exclusive content from London's based label Disc Error. Disc Error is at the forefront of the burgeoning UK darkwave scene, having emerged from the legendary South-end party Junk Club. Disc Error has almost single handedly redefined the sound of young London with bands such as Ipso Facto, Ulterior, Micron 63 and Factory Floor.
Cover artwork and design by Sandra Chi & Ciaran O'Shea
About Passions:
Passions was formed in the summer of 2006 by Brooklyner Ben Deitz, originally incorporating influences as disparate as early 80's punk and industrial to the dance music culture from which Deitz made his name (as former Trouble & Bass wunderkind Math Head). Passions' explosive debut single Emergency, for French tastemaker label Kitsune, swept the dance charts instantly, gaining acclaim from artists, magazines and blogs worldwide, and earning praise from Girl Talk, MSTRKRFT, Simian Mobile Disco, Fischerspooner and more. After perfecting a riotous style of electro punk with a multitude of remixes and chaotic live shows, the sound of Passions has evolved into an outlet for hauntingly bleak post punk explorations that evoke Cabaret Voltaire and Joy Division.
About Mishka:
A New York City fixture, Mishka has spent the past 5 years carving their own way through the often homogenous streetwear world. Developing from a small T-shirt upstart to the now full-blown cut & sew powerhouse, Mishka has become synonymous in the industry with creativity and originality, consistently inspiring (and sometimes offending) with designs that stay true to the D.I.Y./Punk ethos Mishka is well known for. Both nostalgic and forward looking with that unusual ability to influence the influencers, Mishka continues to be the brand to look for and trust to deliver the utmost in quality and design. Mishka’s collections are available worldwide in only the finest shops.
1. UK Decay - Unexpected Guest
2. Micron63 - No Divide
3. Joy Division - Means To An End
4. Pylon - Danger
5. Public Image Limited - Annalisa
6. Nitzer Ebb - Join In The Chant
7. Nine Inch Nails - Ringfinger
8. Passions - Sentiment (Instrumental)
9. Death In June - Fields
10. Cabaret Voltaire - Landslide
11. SPK - A Heart That Breaks (In No Time And Place)
12. Ulterior - Weapons (Zlaya Remix)
13. New Order - 586 (Peel Sessions Version)
14. Death In June - The Calling Mk II
15. Black Strobe - Innerstrings (No Shuffle Mix)
16. Micron63 - Death Is Colder Than Love
17. Huoratron - Corporate Occult (Passions Remix)
18. Section 25 - Looking From A Hilltop
19. Throbbing Gristle - Adrenaline
20. Alien Sex Fiend - Get Into It
21. New Order - Ecstasy
22. Suicide - Mr. Ray
23. Sonic Youth - Killin Yr. Idols
24. Ipso Facto - Baulderdash
25. Damn Arms - The Cormorant
26. Wire - On Returning
27. Oto - Anyway
28. Bauhaus - Dancing
29. The Cure - Primary
30. Passions - Composure (Instrumental)
31. Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
32. David Bowie - Subterraneans
For More information:
80kidz mix for UK
May 14, 2009
01. Jenny Wilson - Pass Me The Salt
02. HEALTH - Die Slow (Pictureplane Rmx)
03. TORO Y MOI - Left Alone At Night (Pink Skull Remix)
04. Tanlines - Power Everything
05. The Juan MacLean - One Day
06. Fan Death - Veronica's Veil
07. Low Motion Disco - Love Love Love (Aeroplane Mix)
08. 80kidz - Miss Mars
09. The Penelops - Stuck in lalaland (80kidz Remix)
10. Two Door Cinema Club - Something good can work
11. 80kidz - Frankie (NGTK.Remix)
80kidz MySpace
Video / Make The Girl Dance - Baby Baby Baby
May 13, 2009
Video / autoKratz - Always More
autoKratz MySpace
Ipso Facto // R O M A N C E
英國Black Wave樂隊Ipso Facto在Cherish Kaya(Keyboardist)的離團後目前暫為三人編制,所以在她們新錄製的單曲You Don't Own Me裡則是找來客席的樂手來幫忙;另外在其他如KASMs、Hatcham Social、Neils Children和Project:KOMAKINO(日本先發)都已經在今年發行了專輯後,希望Ipso Facto可別因暫時少了一位成員而耽誤到她們專輯的錄製。
Ipso Facto - You Don't Own Me
Ipso Facto MySpace
作為Hedi Slimane當前的愛團之一R O M A N C E最近發行了限量100張的三首歌CD E.P ' O N E '和樂隊Hand Screen Printed T-shirts,而自己已不太對CD感到興趣所以就Order了件他們的T-Shirt來表達當前對他們的喜愛,下面曲目The Art of Losing則是收錄在E.P ' O N E '裡的第三首歌。
R O M A N C E - The Art of Losing
R O M A N C E MySpace
Tags: Hatcham Social , Hedi Slimane , Ipso Facto , KASMs , MP3 , Neils Children , Project:Komakino , R O M A N C E
La Roux x Tepr x Zinc
May 12, 2009
被Kitsuné發掘的倫敦Electro Pop Duo La Roux將在下一張單曲Bulletproof內找來了Zinc與Tepr來製作混音,首專輯也即將發行,但說真的是沒有很期待。
La Roux - Bulletproof (Tepr Remix)
La Roux - Bulletproof (Zinc Remix)
La Roux - Bulletproof (Zinc Dub)
La Roux MySpace
Grizzly Bear x Fred Falke
繼Annie、U2,Gossip、Ladyhawke在這一兩星期內出品交由Fred Falke的混音新作後,Warp廠下的布魯克林樂隊Grizzly Bear將在明天發行的一張12"單曲Two Weeks背面則也是選擇了Fred Falke來執行混音的版本。
Grizzly Bear - Two Weeks (Fred Falke Extended Remix)
Grizzly Bear MySpace
Tags: Annie , Fred Falke , Gossip , Grizzly Bear , Ladyhawke , MP3 , Remix , U2 , Warp
Video / KASMs - Male Bonding
May 11, 2009
KASMs MySpace
Annie Mac presents at KOKO on April 30th
May 10, 2009
Tags: Annie Mac , Caspa , Chase and Status , Count and Sinden , KOKO , Little Boots , Live , Rachel Barton , TODDLA T , Video
One Man Party x About
Soulwax鼓手Steve Slingeneyer化名為One Man Party的新製作混音曲來自Cock Rock Disco廠牌裡的About的單曲Tough Cookie
About - Tough Cookie (One Man Party "Rough Cookie" Remix)
One Man Party MySpace
Tags: About , Cock Rock Disco , MP3 , One Man Party , Remix , Soulwax
Video / Ebony Bones! - The Muzik
晚上在聽Ebony Bones!即將發行的單曲The Muzik,感覺M.I.A.可以專心去帶小孩了,請放心把焦點都集中在Ebony Bones!身上就好;在此附上交由Aaron LaCrate、Yuksek和Brodinski的組合The Krays、Sunday Best混音的三種混音版本,然後Ebony Bones!的首專輯Bone Of My Bones也很快的會在6月底發行,而且相當有趣的是除了發行膠片、CD、數位下載這三種型式外還多了個卡帶的版本可選擇購買。
Ebony Bones! - The Muzik (The Krays 'Yuksek And Brodinski' Remix)
Ebony Bones! - The Muzik (Sunday Best Remix)
Ebony Bones! - The Muzik (Aaron LaCrate Remix)
Ebony Bones! MySpace | Facebook
Tags: Aaron LaCrate , Brodinski , Ebony Bones , MP3 , Remix , Sunday Best , The Krays , Video , Yuksek
2 Many DJ's set @ BBC Radio One's Big Weekend
2 Many DJs昨晚(5/8)Radio One's Big Weekend的Live DJ Set下載
1. The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl (Soulwax mix)
2. The Gossip - Standing In The Way Of Control (Soulwax nite version)
3. David Guetta - Jack Is Back
4. Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers
5. Hot Chip - It's my piano (?? mix)
6. Kid Kudi - Day and Night (live vocal)
7. Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400
8. MGMT - Kids (Soulwax Nite Version)
9. Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah
10. Tiga - Overtime
11. Felix Da Housecat - Elvis
12. Tiga - Mindimension 2
14. Zombie Nation - Forza
15. Mr. Oizo - Cut Dick
16. Pryda - Rakfunk
17. Mr. Oizo - Flat Beat
18. Wiley - Wearing my Rolex
19. Tiga - What you need (?? mix)
20. Depeche Mode - I Can't get enough (mix??)
21. Deadmau5 - Desnchronized
22. Sidney Samson - Riverside
23. The Proxy - Raven (mix??)
24. CLS - Can you feel it?
25. Alex Gopher - Aurora
26. Walter Murphy - Fifth of Beethoven (Soulwax mix)
27. Harry Thumann - Underwater
29. Anne Clark - Our Darkness (mix??)
30. Major Lazer - Pon di Floor
31. Woolfi - Oh Missy (In Flagranti xenon mix)
32. YYY's - Zero (Erol Alkan Rework)
33. Lil Louis - French Kiss
34. Zombie Nation - Worth it pt. 1
35. Vangelis - Pulstar (Soulwax edit)
36. Justice - Phantom pt. 2 (Soulwax Nite Version)
37. Boney M - Ma Baker
2 Many DJ's set @ BBC Radio One's Big Weekend Download
Don Diablo & Example x A1 Bassline
May 9, 2009
A1 Bassline寄來他新製作的混音單曲,原曲來自Don Diablo和Example合作的歌曲Hooligans。
Don Diablo & Example - Hooligans (A1 Bassline Remix)
A1 Bassline MySpace
Gossip x Fred Falke
Gossip在新單曲Heavy Cross內找來了自己一直都很喜愛的Fred Falke前來製作混音版本,然後下面的Video不確定是否為官方版本。
Gossip - Heavy Cross (Fred Falke Remix)
Gossip MySpace
Video / Kap Bambino - Dead Lazers
Kap Bambino MySpace
La Roux x Clash The Disko Kids
May 8, 2009
新加坡Trio DJ組合Clash The Disko Kids的最新混音作品來自於La Roux的單曲In For The Kill
La Roux - In For The Kill (Clash The Disko Kids & Ming 'Lo-Fi 1 AM' Remix)
另外也請密切注意Spykee將在6月Dance Rock Taipei一週年活動中邀請Clash The Disko Kids來訪
Clash The Disko Kids MySpace | Facebook
Tags: Clash The Disko Kids , Dance Rock Taipei , DJ Spykee , La Roux , MP3 , Remix
Video / Lissy Trullie - Boy Boy
Lissy Trullie MySpace
Video / Filthy Dukes - Messages
May 7, 2009
The official video for Filthy Dukes next single 'Messages', featuring vocals from Tommy Sparks.
Filthy Dukes MySpace
以下是零晨邊看The Next Karate Kid時邊聽的一些歌
Ferret Summer是收錄於Annie剛在Pleasure Masters發行的單曲Anthonio裡一首。
Annie - Ferret Summer
聽完Annie所帶來的Italo-Disco怎能錯過瑞典Sally Shapiro的新單曲Miracle。
Sally Shapiro - Miracle
身處於Adam Freeland廠牌Marine Parade旗下的Alex Metric所進行混音法國樂隊Phoenix的新單曲Lisztomania。
Phoenix - Lisztomania (Alex Metric Remix)
最後We Have Band即將發行的單曲You Came Out裡面由Clouded Vision混音的版本。
We Have Band - You Came Out (Clouded Vision Remix)
Tags: Adam Freeland , Alex Metric , Annie , Clouded Vision , Marine Parade , MP3 , Phoenix , Remix , Sally Shapiro , We Have Band
Effi Briest x Telepathe
Effi Briest和Telepathe在英國廠牌Skinny Wolves Records發行的限量7"就等大強訂來了。
Telepathe - Mirror Rim - Remix (Original by Effi Briest)
Effi Briest - Chrome's On It - Re Cover (Original by Telepathe)
autoKratz x Yuksek
May 6, 2009
上星期有放上autoKratz收錄在Kitsuné Maison 7合輯內的Always More交由Yuksek混音的試聽片斷,這次放上的則是完整的版本。
autoKratz - Always More (Yuksek Remix)
autoKratz MySpace
Kap Bambino x Birdy Nam Nam
May 5, 2009
Birdy Nam Nam的新混音作品是來自Kap Bambino即將發行的新單曲Dead Lazers。
Kap Bambino - Dead Lazers (Birdy Nam Nam Remix)
Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending (Kap Bambino Remix) Preview
Kap Bambino MySpace
The New Thing Broadcast 005
May 2, 2009
如果跟我一樣著迷於Black Wave,就不可以錯過The New Thing這個專門介紹這一類型的Blog,在他們最新的Broadcast TNT005裡,播放了The Big Pink、KASMs、The Horrors、S.C.U.M、Hatcham Social、Advert、Big Black、Wild Palms、Kitchens of Distinction這些樂隊的新單曲。
KASMs - Male Bonding
Big Black - l Dopa
Advert - White Wedding
The Big Pink - Velvet
Etienne Daho - Paris Le Flore
Kitchens of Distinction - Quick As Rainbows
Hatcham Social - Sidewalk
The Horrors - Who Can Say
The Lines - Nerve Pylon
Artery - Afterwards
The Cravats - X.M.P.
Wild Palms - Over Time
S.C.U.M - Summon The Sound
Wild Swans - The Revolutionary Spirit
The Telescopes - There is No Floor
The New Thing MySpace | Soundcloud |Blog
Tags: Advert , Big Black , Broadcast , Hatcham Social , KASMs , Kitchens of Distinction , S.C.U.M , The Big Pink , The Horrors , The New Thing , Wild Palms
Live / The Big Pink - Velvet live @ Brussels
The Big Pink MySpace
Video / Theoretical Girl - Rivals
Theoretical Girl MySpace
Video / V.V. Brown - Shark In The Water
May 1, 2009
V.V. Brown MySpace
Video / Capracara - King of the Witches