『EVENT』AB Koo presents:「I七CH」2011年3月25日 (星期五)
Mar 23, 2011

在此還是要先感謝AB KOO主辦人Keith先生以及推薦我給他認識的Funkstar DJ,讓我有機會能參與在本週五(3/25)AB KOO闊別七年的回歸活動I七CH: An Evening of Drum 'n' Bass, Dubstep, Future Garage & House Music,介紹裡把我的Blog寫的太厲害讓我感到很害羞,其實我ㄧ點都不專業啦,但我還是會在當今盡力將自己所喜愛的音樂給放送出來,活動10點準時開始由我替當天的另位五位前輩DJ暖身,希望各位都能夠到來,而且票價是超乎想像的350還付ㄧ瓶酒的平易近人。
過去7年來消失的AB Koo,其實一直很渴望辦個Party。
一如以往,AB Koo這次策劃的「Itch」就像當初在1996年時是以Drum 'n' Bass為主,不過AB Koo的理念是持續推動各種類型的優質電子音樂,所以這次Party也包含Dubstep、Future Garage及House。
自1995年開始接觸電子音樂,固定在AB Koo party中演出,也真正參予了早期台北的Drum 'n' Bass scene。除了是AB Koo的一份子之外,Danjah也在90年代末期與一群熱愛DNB的好友成立了DNB推廣團體Jungle Mania。之後Danjah便在各種Drum 'n' Bass event演出以及在「Digital Underground」(地下社會)、「Bre@kble」(2F)等等活動駐場。他在「I七CH」將以他個人風格呈現許多經典。
現居美國加州,這次特別回台參予「I七CH」。在90年代末台北舞池尚未聽過Breaks的時候,他就已經放過許多令人印象深刻的Breaks sets。這次Umbra將以他的4/4拍選曲sense,重新定義甚至顛覆House音樂。
他在放電子舞曲的時候台北電音文化甚至尚未成形,他創立了「Tekno Invasion」廣播節目(1993)、策劃了「Hyper Hyper」(Underground,1994)及台灣第一個戶外銳舞「Finally...the Party」(1995)之後,被公認為是「電音教父」,他的影響不容置疑。他也是台北第一個策劃每週Drum 'n' Bass party「Sunday Sessions」(Opium Den,1998)的人。近幾年,他的DJ生涯足跡遍佈北京及整個中國。@llen曾參予AB Koo第一個Party「Succumb」(1996),我們很榮幸邀請他再為我們過去7年來的第一個party放歌。
一直以來秉持著對於Drum 'n' Bass音樂的熱誠, 除了積極爭取參與各演出機會外, 於09年底在 The Wall 獨立企劃籌辦了第一場 "Reborn" Drum 'n' Bass party, 藉此讓更多人了解並喜愛 Drum 'n' Bass音樂帶來的重低音衝擊!
他自謙是一個仍在摸索音樂的DJ,但對我們來說台北沒有人比他更了解Dubstep、Post-Dubstep、UK Funky、Future Garage和Grime,他的部落格「DISCOATTACK//Exploring Future Beats」有這些音樂精闢的介紹。對目前地下電子舞曲有興趣的人來說,他的set是最好的前導。
Join Us
「I七CH」目的是提供你們希望在舞池中聽到的音樂,這也是重新認識台北電子舞曲的一個活動。AB Koo沒辦party有7年了,這次,不管是對我們或是妳們來說,再度參予的機會來了。
活動地點Pipe是位於河邊的一座老舊自來水博物館改建的,是一個符合AB Koo理念的好場地。
AB Koo presents
Friday, March 25, 2011
Doors open 10 p.m.
No.1 Siyuan Rd, Taipei
(Near “Museum of Drinking Water” in Gongguan)
Tel: (02) 2364-8198
NT$350 (includes 1 drink)
Gone for seven years, AB Koo is itching for a party.
True to form, I七CH is about Drum ’n’ Bass, the music that event organizer AB Koo first brought to Taipei dancefloors as early as 1996. It’s also about Dubstep, Future Garage and House music, in keeping with AB Koo’s long-held ideal of promoting quality electronic dance music in its myriad forms.
The DJs:
In the line-up are AB Koo DJs Danjah and Umbra, along with four other DJ friends old and new. @llen, Lai, Legacy and Discoattack complete the list.
DANJAH regularly rocked floors at AB Koo events, and others, in the early days of Taipei's Drum 'n' Bass scene. Danjah helped establish the much-missed Jungle Mania crew in the late 1990s. Before and after joining the AB Koo stable, he devastated dancefloors weekly during his “Digital Underground” residency at Underworld, and when guesting at 2F's “Bre@kable” club nights. His set at I七CH will include many best-loved classics from that era, showing his discerning track selection, and why he was such a vital force in Taipei's early Drum 'n' Bass scene. Danjah's back and as dangerous as ever.
UMBRA, now based in San Jose, California, makes a welcome return to his old stomping grounds for an exclusive appearance at I七CH decks. His sets in the late 1990s left an indelible imprint on the Breaks genre, long before the sound blew up big in Taipei clubland. At I七CH Umbra will deliver a 4/4 set displaying his ear for a good tune, and his knack for selecting House tracks that redefine and sometimes subvert the genre.
@LLEN was playing electronic dance music in Taipei even before there was a dance scene. Rightfully tagged “Godfather” of electronic dance music in this city via his seminal “Tekno Invasion” radio show (1993), his “Hyper Hyper” club nights at Underground (1994), and his “Finally...the Party”--Taiwan's first-ever outdoor rave (1995)-- his impact is indisputable. Even his afternoon “Sunday Sessions” at Opium Den (1998), were the first weekly Drum 'n' Bass parties in this city. In recent years he's taken his electronic sounds to Beijing and all points across China. @llen was in the line-up at “Succumb,” AB Koo's first party in 1996, so we're honored that he will play for us again at I七CH, our first party in seven years.
LAI has been rocking the underground Drum 'n' Bass scene since 2010. He is known for his fast mixing of all kinds of Drum 'n' Bass sounds, and bombing the dancefloor with his high energy sets. I七CH attendees, you have been warned!
LEGACY (BASSNOISE) has shown a tireless passion for Drum 'n' Bass music via faithfully attending all events promoting the sound. His biggest contribution to the Taipei scene came in late 2009 when he staged the memorable “Reborn” Drum 'n' Bass party at The Wall. Through this effort, Legacy (BASSNOISE) allowed a huge number of Drum 'n' Bass lovers to better understand the meaning of sub-bass devastation. This proud tradition of his will continue at I七CH.
DISCOATTACK modestly claims to be a DJ in search of a sound, but to our ears there's no one in Taipei who's better informed about the genres of Dubstep, Post-Dubstep, UK Funky, Future Garage and Grime genres than he. His “DISCOATTACK// Exploring Future Beats” blog provides a definitive introduction to these and other musics, and his set at I七CH will serve as the perfect primer for anyone interested in hearing future sounds today.
Join Us:
I七CH seeks to serve up the music your ears have been itching for, but which few dancefloors deliver on. It's also about getting reacquainted with Taipei's dance music scene. AB Koo has not staged a party for seven years, so it's our chance and yours to rejoin, rekindle and release. Pipe, an old pumping station along the river, complete with actual pipes, and now converted into a dance space, is the perfect venue for achieving this.
We hope to see you there on Friday night, 25th March 2011.
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