Released on the 10th Of December
Nov 29, 2007
Cazals這隊五人組的英國團,即將在Kitsuné這法國火紅的廠牌中發行他們的新單曲To Cut A Long Story Short(此曲是翻唱自80年代New Romantic樂隊Spandau Ballet的首支經典單曲),此單曲也找來了Vicarious Bliss、autoKratz、 Streetlife DJs & Xtopher等人來混音,但不確定會不會同時收錄在此單曲內,隨後他們在12月初將受邀至Daft Punk的日本巡迴中擔任暖場團之一,多虧了GILDAS(廠牌ECO之一)跟Daft Punk的好關係,當然他們也出席自家廠牌的Kitsuné Masion 5 Release JAPAN Tour中,地點時間在12/10 Golden Edition Soft Party @ Le Baron de Paris, Tokyo;手邊有Streetlife DJs和Vicarious Bliss的混音可先來試聽。
To Cut A Long Story Short (Streetlife DJs Cut n Run Dub) [mp3]
To Cut A Long Story Short (Vicarious Bliss club Remix) [mp3]
Life Is Boring (Ali LoveHarder Remix) [mp3]
Spandau Ballet - To Cut A Long Story Short
Nov 27, 2007
Kate Nash的第四支單曲Pumpkin Soup,照舊是交由波蘭出生澳洲長大現定居於英國發展的Kinga Burza來執導,可見她們姊妹交情匪淺,此次Video開頭畫面色彩繽紛而且那些卡通字差點讓我以為這又是SO ME的傑作,又或許Kinga是受到了SO ME的影響也不一定(可以從她myspace的TOP 20好友裡看出端倪),從今年初Kate Nash的第一支單曲Caroline's A Victim開始,自己就非常喜歡Kinga的Video和Kate Nash的音樂(The Teenagers的myspace曾出現在video裡這件事不是主因,但也看得出Kinga和我一樣是The Teenagers的Fans),再加上她先後為The Rakes、The Thrills、Calvin Harris當然還有The Teenagers的Video拍攝至今已累積了不少優秀的作品,也獲得CAD Awards 2007的Best New Director的提名,與SO ME一同暫列我年度Director第一。
小插曲 : 出現在Pumpkin Soup裡面的四隻大貓,有幾隻是由也出現在The Teenagers - Homecoming Video裡的美少女所裝扮的,其中一隻姑且讓我稱呼她為小艾莉西亞席維史東(Alicia Silverstone)也在The Thrills的Nothing Changes Around Here裡也出現。
Kate Nash Video by Kinga Burza
其他Kinga Burza執導的Video
Tilly and The Wall - Sings Songs Along
The Rakes - We Danced Together
The Thrills - Nothing Changes Around Here
Calvin Harris - Merry Making At My Place
The Teenagers - Homecoming
Kate Nash - Caroline's A Victim
Happy Crew
Nov 26, 2007

上一篇提到Lou的新Project The New Sins外,其實她在倫敦也是位DJ並和她的服裝設計師好友Nova Dando共組了個名為LOU&NOVA的單位,偶而現身在時裝秀或是英國當地雜誌所舉辦的派對裡,放上Post-Punk的歌曲、經典復古Disco舞曲與流行音樂等...不彷先到LOU&NOVA的網站裡下載她們早前錄製的一張Mixtape。
LOU&NOVA&ANNE-MARIE - Summer 07 [Download]
而說起Lou的這位好友Nova,也可以扯到曾說過Crush Lou的The Teenagers這三人的身上,就在他們新單曲Starlett Johansson的Musci Video裡面的服裝造型就是由Nova所包辦的,其實我只是想再放上這首歌的Video。
"Like Sophie Ellies Bextor fronting LCD" NME
Nov 25, 2007
It Doesn't Work Like That by The New Sins
B.Boy Rules
Nov 22, 2007
Video by Digikid-84
北部濕涼 明轉乾冷
Nov 20, 2007

首先是很洛基的Rocky Raver來自Hervé單曲中的b sdie在大強那也可聽到。
Hervé - Rocky Raver [mp3]
再來是法國友台kidz by colette近期很推的Digikid-84(相當讚) ,放上由Culture Prophet混音的版本。
B.BOY Underground - (Culture Prophet Remix) [mp3]
跟上面一樣是由Culture Prophet混音的其他單曲
Digitalism - Idealistic (Culture Prophet Remix) [mp3]
Chromeo - Bonafied Lovin' (Culture Prophet Remix) [mp3]
Drugs In My Body的其他混音
Thieves Like Us - Drugs In Your Body (Designer Drugs Remix) [mp3]
Thieves Like Us - Drugs In My Body (Faux Rock Remix) [mp3]
Bloc Party - Flux (JFK Remix) [mp3]
Detect. - Danse Division (Yuksek Remix) [mp3]
Justice - New Jack (Gritty Prophet Mix) [mp3]
Tracey Thorn - King's Cross (Hot Chip Remix)
Unklejam - Stereo (Lo-Fi-Fnk Remix)
Video by Bloc Party - Flux
The Shoes mix
Nov 18, 2007
來自摩納哥的組合The Shoes,先前透過Yuksek & Brodinski替他們混音的幾首歌曲引起了我的注意,雖然近期並沒有新歌丟出來,但還好在myspace放上兩首混音給我解渴,分別是音樂有點爛掉的Hadouken!以及正在徵求任何有興趣者混音Drugs In My Body這單曲的Thieves Like Us。
Thieves Like Us - Drugs In My Body (The Shoes Remix) [mp3]
Hadouken! - Leap Of Faith (The Shoes Remix) [mp3]
The Shoes - Keep That Control (Yuksek Remix)
The Shoes - America
The Shoes - America (Brodinski Remix)
The Shoes - Knock Out
The Shoes - Knock Out (Tom Deluxx Remix)
The Shoes - Baby I'm 4 Real
Nov 16, 2007

Guns'N'Bombs "NEON NOISE" Mixtape #3 [mp3]
Harddrive - Deep Inside
Boys Noize - My Head (Para One remix)
Junior Senior - Get To Know You (Guns 'N' Bombs Jak The Tab mix)
Samuel L Sessions - Flipmode
Green Velvet - Flash
Bonde Do Role - Office Boy (Brodinski remix)
Zeus - Zeus
Curses! - This Is The Way (Drop The Lime remix)
Sal Basile - Feel Inside (Live Element remix)
Sluttt - Stop Copying Me (Jokers Of The Scene remix)
Armando - 100% Of Dissing You (Warehouse remix)
Patrik Alavi - Hell Yeah (Jaimie Fanatic remix)
Lethal Bizzle - Selfridges Boy (Boy 8 Bit remix)
Electrocherrie LK - Schnall
i Just Want to REMIX!!
Nov 11, 2007
本週依然是收了很多mp3,有autoKratz準備在12初發行的單曲、The Wombats以及一樣跟Foals師出同門並一同交由Kyte的混音的Tired Irie、The Teenagers的謬思女神Starlett Johansson的混音、Crystal Castles vs The Teenagers的Mash Up、The Whip的新單曲、Kicks Like A Mule替人作嫁的Remix以及Mash Up、Yelle的新歌、The Futureheads的新單曲Broke Up Time(請上官網下載)Kylie Minogue的混音...等,暫時先這樣。
autoKratz - 1000 Things
autoKratz - Last Show
The Wombats - Moving To New York (Kyte Dance Remix)
Tired Irie - Terra Firma (Kyte Remix)
The Teenagers - Starlett Johansson (Blamma! Blamma! Scared of Spiders Mix)
Crystal Castles vs The Teenagers - Magic Spells vs Starlett Johansson (Mystic Mountains Mash Up)
The Whip - Sister Siam (Album Version)
The Whip - Sister Siam (Bitchee Bitchee Ya Ya Ya Remix)
Axwell - I Found You (Kicks Like A Mule Remix)
Gossip Vs Unknown - Standing In The Way Of Control (Kicks Like A Mule Mash Up)
Yelle - Les Femmes
Kylie Minogue - 2 Hearts (Sordid Soundz Remix)
The Whip - Sister Siam
DFA/Ghostly 10.31.07
Nov 7, 2007

DFA/Ghostly International Party at Studio B 10.31.07 [mp3]
Track list:
1. theme from the exorcist - t&t special
2. baby oliver - shot caller
3. holy ghost! - hold on
4. daft punk - da funk
5. klaxons - magick (simian mobile disco mix)
6. 2 guys on acid - house music (all night long)
7. inner city - good life
8. m.e. - r+b drunkie
9. dj pierre's afro acid project - acid trax (dj pierre green velvet afro acid mix)
10. green velvet - la la land
11. aztec mystic - jaguar
12. the juan maclean - happy house
1:01:19 (112mb)
Teenz ♡ starlett
Nov 5, 2007
熱騰騰的Music Video是來自The Teenagers的第二支單曲Starlett Johansson,此次是由Price James執導的,他先前的作品有Simian Mobile Disco的It's The Beat還有Shitdisco的OK等...。
Dir. So Me
Nov 3, 2007
由So Me執導Justice - D.A.N.C.E勇奪MTV Europe Music Awards 07的Video Star大賞,所以再度放上Video一同慶祝。
另外在11月裡可以發現很多Daft Punk的蹤跡,先是Alive 2007的發行(個人是比較期待DVD的部份,因音檔方面現已洩出)後有在金馬影展上的Daft Punk's Electroma這部堪稱是Daft Punk的另類傳記電影。Daft Rules~
在等待Daft Punk的現場專輯前,先來聽聽他們10/27在Las Vegas一個半小時的演出 via kidbycolette
Das Pop - Fool For Love (SebastiAn Remix)
Das Pop - Fool For Love (Yuksek Remix)
The Cribs - Men's Needs (Goose Remix)
I Was A Cub Scout - Our Smallest Adventures (Goodbooks Eyewax Remix)
The Wombats - Kill The Director (Paul Hartnoll Remix)